Everything You Will Ever Need To Successfully Launch A Knowledge Business

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Learn How To Build A Super-Profitable Business Without Any Office or Employees


Selling Price


Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

Your Price Today

₹5999 + GST

Proven System To Give You Freedom
  • Social Media Influence Building
  • Building Brand Value and Positioning.
  • Ultimate Sales Key
  • Automation in all aspects
  • Bonus #1

    Facebook Advertising Master Traffic Formula

    Get update with latest knowledge and interact Every Monday 8PM (IST) Live Meeting

    Products - cover new-02

    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Proven System To Give You Freedom
    In detailed course recordings
    100 + Ads accounts backend record
    Secrets to the Facebook Sales
    Instagram Growth Hack
    Leads Data Managment
    How Facebook Algorithm Works
    Record of all previous live Intractions

    Bonus #2

    Strategy Building Formula

    Step by Step Process to build you Strategy for Facebook Marketing


    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Why Strategy is Important
    How to collect Data for Strategy Building
    Strategy Sheet for Market Reflection
    Steps to Build your own Strategy
    Strategy Evaluation Steps
    Strategy Automate Auto pilot mode
    Yearly Plan and Sales Growth

    Bonus #3

    Weekly LIVE Meeting on Zoom

    Every Monday 8PM (IST) Zoom Meeting to share latest updates


    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Lifetime Free Access
    You will get record off Previous Meetings
    Question & Answers Time
    Live Ads Evaluation
    Strategy Modifications
    Idea Sharings

    Bonus #4

    Calzol Freedom Lifestyle Community

    You can be part of this Energetic Business Professional People


    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Meet Every Members
    Build Good Relations
    Spread Positive wive Every Day
    Live Chat
    Facilitates Group
    Hall of Fame
    Freedom Thoughts

    Bonus #5

    Freedom Records from day one

    We record our all live classes and store to this area


    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Record of 100 + Ads Account Backend
    Record of Weekly Meetings
    Record of HOF
    Record of Special Q & A
    Record of Social Media Lives

    Bonus #6

    Financial Freedom Plan

    Ultimate Data Driven System for your Freedom Lifestyle

    Products - cover new-07

    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Importance of Money Management
    How to Manage money
    Make Money
    Manage Money
    Multiply Money

    Bonus #7

    Niche Discovery Process

    Ultimate Data Driven System for your Freedom Lifestyle

    Products - cover new-05

    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Market Research
    Target Audience Analysis
    Competitor Analysis
    Validation and Testing
    Refinement and Specialization

    Bonus #8

    WhatsApp Automation Mastery

    Ultimate Data Driven System for your Freedom Lifestyle

    Products - cover new-11

    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Broadcast to 1 Lakh + Members Per day


    Quick Responces

    User Management

    Meta Varification

    Bonus #9

    Digital Asset Blueprint

    Ultimate Data Driven System for your Freedom Lifestyle

    Products - cover new-06

    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Learning Management System – LMS
    Email Marketing System – Convertkit
    121 Consulting
    Facebook Group
    Calzol Strategy Sheet (Clarity Sheet)

    Bonus #10

    Personal Branding Strategy

    Ultimate Data Driven System for your Freedom Lifestyle

    Products - cover new-09

    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Unleashing Your Authenticity and Influence

    Live Intractions

    Build High Value Contents

    Personal Website

    Brand Position

    Bonus #11

    Value Base Marketing Strategy

    Ultimate Data Driven System for your Freedom Lifestyle

    Products - cover new-10

    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    High Converting Sales Funnel Strategy Building Systems Setup Influence Building 30 Days Challenge

    Bonus #12

    Freedo Challenge

    Ultimate Data Driven System for your Freedom Lifestyle

    Products - cover new-08

    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    LIVE Implementation
    WhatsApp Group Support
    Group Leaders
    10 Week Assignments
    Multiply Money

    Bonus #15

    AI Content Mastery

    Ultimate Data Driven System for your Freedom Lifestyle

    Products - cover new-13

    Selling Price


    Crafted for Beginners - Ultra Advanced

    Your Price Today


    Plan 10 Years Content
    30 Days Content Plan
    Social Media Sales Content
    Customer Pain Points